
Alrighty, so a bit late this post was by my standards, but life throws things at you. You know how that goes. That said, I wanted to at least talk about some of the things I have been working on!

The Python Discord Code Jam

Recently, the Python Discord released a qualifier for their latest code jam! I have never taken part in a code jam, so I felt it was the perfect time to amend that. I successfully submitted my qualifier and while I regret to inform that it was not hyper-optimized, it definitely did the job.

I’m excited to see what sorts of ideas my team and I can come up with for the code jam. It’d be neat to place really well in the contest, but since it is my first one I’m really looking for the learning experience.

A super secret Rust project

Yep, that is indeed a thing I am working on. It may or may not involve Bevy and an additional developer. Stay tuned 👀

The media posting app

I still intend to try and Dockerize the Django application I have been working on within the past month and change. I only have some experience using Docker, so it’s gonna take a bit longer there. Once I have it in place though, I may have an easier time incorporating it into a Gitlab CI pipeline that I mentioned in my last post.

And that’s about it

Taking up multiple projects has certainly been an interesting experience for me, as I am still also trying to improve myself in other ways that aren’t just coding. There are even more coding-related plans that I have, but I’ll keep those under wraps because it’s harder to start them if I start talking about them.

Short post but we take those. Stay cool friends 😎