What do I say?

It’s been a good while since I made a post. Lots has happened, mostly good things. I found a job and as a result, my “extracurricular” activities have taken more of a back seat.
I find myself wanting to come back to publicly writing things down. For what reason, I don’t know. I don’t write code quite as much outside of work, but that’s normal. However, I have been drawing recently and dropping the occasional masterpiece on my pixel art page.
So like the title suggests, what do I say?
I think for now, I’ll say things about my art path and anything else that comes to mind. Well, I’ll try to. I think it’s good to document things you do. It slows time down a little. In a good way. I enjoy looking back at the things I’ve done and it’d be a shame to lose out on that going forward.
As a start, I recently completed the 250 box challenge on Drawabox. What an absolute project that was! I started on the next lesson from there and I can already tell that 250 boxes is in fact just skimming the surface. The texture exercise in particular has reminded me that getting what you see onto paper is incredibly difficult.
Anyway that’s about it. Here’s to hoping I can say some more stuff later!